237 - Good Bye Halcyon Days

Keskustelua Bleach-mangasta
electric sushi
electric sushi
Viestit: 1937
Liittynyt: Ti Helmi 01, 2005 18:44
Paikkakunta: Oulu

237 - Good Bye Halcyon Days

Viesti Kirjoittaja charmander »



Holy crap, this is the best chapter in a long damn time. Thanks to Moridin and Hiken for the script! Enjoy!

「俺と来い」ウルキオラは冷たく命令する・・・そして───自宅にてくつろぐ織姫!?あの後、何が・・・! ?
”Come with me” was Ulquiorra’s cold order…And---Orihime is hanging around at home!? What on earth happened after that (incident in the Dangai)…!?

井上:・・・よしっと、こんなとこかなあ。乱菊さんも冬獅郎くんも放っとくとぐちゃぐちゃにしちゃうからな ぁ・・・。
Inoue: …Alright, I guess that’ll do it. Since if I were to let Rangiku-san and Toushiro-kun to their own devices they’d just mess the place up...

*There is a notebook full of stuff like what day to take out the trash and how to store leftover food. Orihime is counting the items on the list with her finger as she continues to write. She seems to be wearing an unfamiliar bracelet.


ウルキオラ:これを渡しておく。これを身につけている間お前の周囲には特殊な霊膜が張られ、お前の存在は我 々アランカルにしか認識できなくなる。それと同時にお前は、物質を透過する能力を手に入れる。身につけて放 すな。
Ulquiorra: I’ll give you this. While you’re wearing this you’ll be surrounded by an energy field and the only ones who will be able to recognize your presence/existence is us Arrancar. Also while wearing this you’ll gain the ability to transmit yourself through material objects (*no clue about this line, not much of a science guy). Put it on and don’t take it off.

Inoue: …yes…

ウルキオラ:12時間の猶予をやる。その間に1人にのみ、別れを告げることを許可する。但し、相手に気付か れればその時点で命令違反と見做す。刻限は0時、それまでに全て片付けて指示した場所に来い。忘れるな、別 れを告げていいのは、1人だけ──・・・
Ulquiorra: I’m giving you a 12 hour reprieve. In that time, you will be allowed to say goodbye to one person only. However, if that person becomes away of your presence you will bee deemed to have broken the rules. The cutoff is midnight, take care of everything you need to by then and come to the appointed place. Don’t forget, you are only allowed to say goodbye to one person…

*End of Flashback

井上、ノートを開けたまま電気を消しそのまま部屋を後にする。ノートの片隅にgood bye. halcyon days.と記されている。
*Inoue leaves the notebook open and turns off the light. In the corner of the notebook, the phrase “Goodbye, Halcyon Days” is written.

Bleach237 Good Bye Halcyon Days表紙なし。
Bleach 237: Good Bye Halcyon Days *No cover

*At Urahara’s underground training area

Ikkaku: OooooooooooooooooW!!! I said that I’m fine! Let go of me!!

Tessai: Hmmph! That will not do!!

一角:うるせえ!いーんだよ!!元々大したケガじゃ・・・ね゛ェッ げお・・・ッ
Ikkaku: Shut up! I’m fine!! I wasn’t all that injured to begin with….uggh…

*Ururu gets Ikkaku in a mean headlock

テッサイ:むゥッ でかしましたぞウルル殿!!そのままオトしてしまいましょう!
Tessai: Hmmph, well done Ururu-dono!! Let’s keep that up until he’s out cold!

Yumichika: Ikkaku! Dammit! Let Ikkaku go!!

Tessai: The injured should behave, Hayasegawa-dono!!

Yumichika: Oof!!

Hitsugaya:...I swear…no matter where they go they’re a loud bunch…

*Hitsugaya is staring at Urahara.

日番谷(浦原喜助か・・・噂には聞いていたが得体の知れねえ男だ・・・アランカル共が消えてからずっと何事 か考え込んでいるが・・・それにしても・・・あの数の十刃が襲来してこれだけの被害で済んだのは運が良かっ た・・・。見込みが甘かったんだ・・・アランカル共の準備は既に整っている・・・!こっちも戦いの準備を急 がなきゃならねえ・・・だが今から急いだところで万端整えるまでの時間をどれだけ縮められるか──・・・。 )
Hitsugaya: (So this is Urahara Kisuke…I’d heard rumors about him but I never knew what he looked like…He’s been thinking about something ever since the Arrancar left…but…we were lucky to have that many Espada come and only have these injuries among us…I expected too little…The Arrancar seem to be already done preparing…! We gotta hurry up and finish preparing for battle on our side too…So in just how little time can we get all of what we need to do to get our preparations done in this hurried state…?

Hitsugaya: Matsumoto! Have you made contact with Soul Society!?

Matsumoto: …well…

*Scene change to Ichigo’s house

*Rukia is also trying to contact Soul Society but she’s only getting static.

Rukia: …this is strange…I can’t connect to Inoue in Soul Society…Is it some sort of energy wave interference? *Rukia then looks at Ichigo sleeping in his bed.

*Flashback to in front of the Vaizard’s secret base

ハッチ:この辺りが・・・限界デス・・・。ワタシの術は正確には治癒ではなく空間回帰の一種なのデスが・・ ・その術を発生させる為には回帰させる対象を正確に指定しなければいけまセン。今一護クンの傷口は、アラン カルに受けた霊圧と一護クン本人の霊圧が溶け合ってしまってマス・・ ・この状態ではここまでの回帰が限界デス・・・。
Hatchi: That’s about it…that’s as far as I can go… My techniques aren’t about healing. They are really a type of “special return/restoration.” In order to make the technique work and return things back to their original form, I need an actual image of what the original was like. In Ichigo’s wounds there is the Arrancar’s reiatsu and also Ichigo’s reiatsu mixed in…In this state this is about as much as I can do to restore/return his original form…

・・・今の状態を少しでも早く脱する為ニハ、虚に近い霊圧を持つワタシ達カラ・・・少しでも離 れ ることが重要デス・・・連れ帰って安静にしてあげて下サイ・・・それが今できる最良の治療法デ ス・・・。
Hatchi: …In order to speed up the healing process even a little quicker, we should separate him from those of us who have Hollow-like reiatsu…Please take him home and let him rest…that is the best way to help him get better…

Rukia: …Ah…understood…

*End of Flashback

ルキア:・・・一護・・・奴等は一体何者だ・・・?お前は一体・・・何の力を手にしようとしておるのだ・・ ・!?アランカル共は何故戦いを途中で止めて戻った・・・!?わからぬことだけだらけだ・・・!いかん・・ ・少し混乱しているな・・・表で少し頭を冷やして・・・
Rukia: …Ichigo…just what are those guys…? And just what kind of power…are you trying to get…!? Why did the Arrancar stop and leave in the middle of their attack…!? I don’t know what’s going on at all…!! This is no good…I’m getting all mixed up…I need to go out front and cool off a bit…

Karin: I said no! You gotta let Ichi-ni rest!!

Yuzu: but, but Karin-chan…

*Rukia hears Yuzu and Karin’s voices on the other side of the door and opens it.

Karin & Yuzu: !!

Yuzu: …U…umm…is it alright if we eat up here…?

Rukia: …Yes, please do. It would definitely make Ichigo happy…

*Karin and Yuzu, having finished eating, are sleeping in Ichigo’s room. Rukia is not there.

Inoue: Ummph…and here we go…

*Inoue sneaks into Ichigo’s room through a window that has the curtains drawn. Inoue then starts to talk to the sleeping Ichigo.

井上:え・・・えへへ・・・来ちゃった。ほんとはね、たつきちゃんとか、茶渡くんとか石田くんとか、朽木さ んとかお別れ言いたい人はいっぱいいたんだけど・・・。
Inoue: Um…well….I came. To tell you the truth, I had a lot of people I wanted to say goodbye to like Tatsuki-chan, Sado-kun, Ishida-kun, and Kuchiki-san but…

Yuzu or Karin: U….un…. (mumbling in their sleep)

井上:! ・・・そっかユズちゃんとカリンちゃん・・・今日はここでごはん食べたんだ・・・そうだよねずっ と黒崎くん居なくて淋しかったもんね・・・黒崎くんの部屋で一緒にごはん食べたいよね・・・。黒崎くんの・ ・・へ・・・や・・・。
Inoue: ! …I see, Yuzu-chan and Karin-chan…they ate dinner here…They must’ve been so lonely since Kurosaki-kun’s been away for so long…they just wanted to eat with Kurosaki-kun in his room…Kurosaki-kun’s r…room…

*Inoue’s face turns red. She looks around.

(そういえば・・・あたし黒崎くんの部屋入るの初めてだ・・・黒崎くんの・・・においがする・ ・・。)
Inoue: (Now that I think about it…this is the first time I’ve ever been in Kurosaki-kun’s room…it smells like…Kurosaki-kun in here…)

一護の右手に手を沿え、顔を近づける井上。唇と唇の距離が少しずつ近付いていくが、寸前で止め る。
*She puts her hand on Ichigo’s right hand and gets close to his face. Her lips get closer and closer to his but stop right before they touch.

Inoue: …No good…I guess I really can’t…

*Inoue starts to cry, and the tears even fall on Ichigo’s cheeks.

井上:・・・えへ・・・ダメだねあたし・・・最後なのにこんなことして・・・黒崎くん、あたしね・・・した いこといっぱいあったんだあったんだぁ・・・学校の先生になりたいし・・・宇宙飛行士にもなりたいし・・・ ケーキ屋さんにもなりたいし・・・ミスドに行って「ぜんぶください!」って言いたいし・・・サーティワンに も行って「ぜんぶください!」って言いたかったし・・・。
Inoue: …He he…it’s no good…this is the last thing I try and do…Kurosaki-kun, I…I have so many things that I wanted to do…I wanted to become a school teacher…I wanted to become an astronaut…I wanted to open a Cake Shop…I wanted to go to Mister Donuts (a famous donut shop) and yell “give me everything!”…I wanted to go to Baskin&Robins (31 flavors) and yell “give me everything!”…

    あ~~~~~~~あ!人生が5回くらいあったらなあ!そしたらあたし5回とも違う町に生まれて、5 回とも違うものおなかいっぱい食べて、5回とも違う仕事して・・・それで5回とも・・・同じ人を好きになる 。・・・Inoue: Oooooooh! If I just had 5 lives to live! Then I could be born in 5 different cities, and eat until my stomach is full 5 times, and work at 5 different jobs…and fall in love with the same person…5 times…

Inoue: Thank you, Kurosaki-kun…goodbye.

*A confession (of love) made all alone…A sad but strong determination…

Comment: The World Cup is over. My fight to watch all of the games live is done--without any information from the media at all. The next chapter, in addition to the normal story, will also include a sidestory as a part of the Jump Character Super Summer Vacation.
Viestit: 1184
Liittynyt: Ke Tammi 26, 2005 19:29
Paikkakunta: Quakenet & Ircnet

Viesti Kirjoittaja circol »

Vähän rauhallisempaa nyt ja ei oikeestaan mitään niii uutta tai dramaattista. Vois luulla et saadaan nähä jotain kapteenien kokoontumisia tai jtn vastaavaa piakkoin. Saa nähä meneekö/pääseekö Ichigo takaisin Vaizardien oppiin, luulen kyl et niitten kaa se treenaa ku ei muut taida tietää paljo mitää maskin kanssa treenaamisesta. Uraharal kyl vois ehkä olla jemmassa jotai infoo, mut tiiä siitä sit.
Vastaa Viestiin